
The FISTER® help phlebotomist, medical technologist, blood donor personnel, and hospital & home care nurses with daily routines of venipuncture, blood collections or I.V. starts.

Grasping the FISTER® tightly, allows the veins to become prominent, making the venipuncture easier. The FISTER® prevents fingernail marks on the patient’s hand from the tightly clenched fist.

Designed especially for use at:

  • Doctor’s Offices * Blood Drawing Stations * Clinical Laboratories
  • Blood Donor Centers * Bedside with Inpatients * Home by Home Care Nurses

Available In Size:

  • Set two each per set, 1.5 inch in diameter (product number F100)

Silkscreening with company name or logo is available for quantities of 100

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Documents :


“I get my blood drawn every week. This helps me
relax and makes me feel more comfortable.”

Susan Salida, CA

“This is great! I used to dig my fingernails into my
hand, but not anymore.”

Mary Stockton, CA

Medical personnel love it!

“I’m using them all the time. It’s perfect. They are just what I needed. I really like them.”

Laurie, Medical Insurance Examinier

“We use them in our four drawing stations. Our phlebotomists love them and our patients appreciate the comfort.”

Stephanie, Assistant Laboratory Manager